Inline Server Actions and Next.js Server Actions

Inline Server Actions and Next.js Server Actions

Both Inline Server Actions and Next.js Server Actions are concepts for handling data and functionality on the server side, but they differ in their use cases and implementation.

1. Next.js Server Actions

Next.js Server Actions are a feature introduced in Next.js to enable server-side data handling without needing to rely on traditional APIs or client-side actions. They provide a way to run server-side code in React components with ease, simplifying data fetching and form handling. Here’s a breakdown of how they work:

  • Server-Side Execution: Server Actions run directly on the server, enabling developers to execute code such as database queries, third-party API calls, or complex logic without exposing this functionality to the client.
  • Simplified API Handling: Instead of defining separate API routes, developers can define actions that can be triggered by events, like form submissions or user interactions, and run on the server.
  • State Management: With server actions, you don’t need to manage loading states or caching manually since they execute only on the server, reducing client-side complexity.
  • Usage Example:
import { useServerAction } from 'next/server-actions';

export default function Page() {
  const handleSubmit = useServerAction(async (data) => {
    // Server-side code: e.g., save to a database
    console.log('Processing form data:', data);

  return (
    <form action={handleSubmit}>
      <input type="text" name="name" />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

2. Inline Server Actions

Inline Server Actions refer to the ability to directly place server-side functionality within a component or a page without needing a separate API layer. This term is more generic and can be applied to frameworks or platforms that allow server-side logic to be embedded within components (like Next.js, or other full-stack frameworks).

  • Direct Embedding of Server Logic: With inline server actions, developers can embed server-side functionality directly within the flow of their components. This typically means the server code is written in the same place as the component logic.
  • Reduced Complexity: Inline actions remove the need for separate files for server logic, making development faster. This pattern also aligns well with serverless architectures where actions are handled per request.
  • Usage Example (similar to above):
import { someServerFunction } from '../lib/server-actions';

export default function InlineActionPage() {
  async function handleAction(data) {
    // Server-side logic directly in component
    await someServerFunction(data);

  return (
      <button onClick={() => handleAction('Action data')}>Trigger Action</button>

Key Differences

  • Focus on Simplification: Next.js Server Actions are focused on simplifying the interaction between client and server by allowing functions to be declared directly in the component, but they run only on the server.
  • Location of Logic: Inline Server Actions are often used in scenarios where the server-side logic is written inline within the same file as the component, while Next.js Server Actions provide a declarative way to run this on the server.


Both concepts revolve around the idea of simplifying server-side logic handling in modern full-stack frameworks. Next.js Server Actions integrate deeply with React’s architecture, providing a more structured approach, while inline server actions are a more general pattern. Both enhance the developer experience by reducing complexity and boilerplate.

Useful Link:

Should I Use Server Actions or APIs in Next.js App?

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